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Improve the content of its website | 3 basic principles

Where to start to improve the content of your website? Do you find your texts indigestible and would like to attract readers? Beautifying web pagescorrecting articles, or even enriching texts is a good start. But we are on the Web, so it is impossible to derogate from the fundamental principles of natural referencing! Let’s see together the actions to be taken to increase the quality of web content.

1. Improve the content of your website by putting yourself in the place of the Internet user

Your own experience as an Internet user must be the common thread in writing content. Whether you are an e-merchant, blogger or entrepreneur, the first thing to do if you want to rework your texts is to put yourself in the shoes of the user. What do I want to find when I type keywords into a search engine? What content do I enjoy reading? What way of processing information gives me this satisfaction that makes me stay or come back on a page? Your answers to these questions are probably:

  • A well-written text with easy and pleasant sentences to read.
  • A welcoming and airy page on which you can easily find your way around.
  • A rich vocabulary that suggests that the subject has been dug.
  • Relevant information that provides an answer to the initial search.

These points, which satisfy the reader that you are, should guide you in improving your content. This is user experience or UX, short for user experience. It refers to and encompasses a host of factors that will make reading web content both exciting and enjoyable. Allowing the reader to easily find what he is looking for, offering an easy-to-use site, and offering quality content, are among these factors. Taking care of the UX, therefore, means ensuring that the user feels sufficiently positive and striking emotions to engrave your site in their memory. This year 2021 will also experience a major update of Google’s algorithms. It will further highlight the websites offering the best possible user experience.

2. Offer pleasant content to read

No need to start all over again. Recycling old articles is a good way to start improving the content of your website. However, be careful not to change the URL or set up a redirect. Indeed, a modified URL brings the reader to an error page when he clicks on the link of your article following a share. You should also remember to update the date of the article if it has one because the user likes recent information. By reworking the content, the title, and refreshing the image, an article can experience a new lease of life!

Well-written texts

Quality web content does not tolerate any errors in grammar or conjugation. The vocabulary is diversified and abundant, thus avoiding unsightly repetitions. The rules of typography are carefully respected, and the punctuation is correctly placed and used. Numerous proofreadings and the use of spelling correction software are therefore essential for a qualitative enrichment of your texts.

Structured content

Structured content is above all content thought out and thought out beforehand. The subject treated is clearly put forward in the title and the introduction, and the subtitles develop it. Paragraphs are balanced and ideas flow smoothly and coherently. It is therefore important to start by writing the plan for your article and then to check that each idea developed is related to this plan. Finally, make sure that the content responds to the user’s initial question or need.

Well-chosen images

Let’s be realistic, words that follow each other are quite monotonous. The attention span of Internet users is not that of novel readers! They need to be stimulated by meaningful, good-quality images. They also make it possible to ventilate the content, thus improving its readability, and making it more attractive.

The importance of added value

Feeding your site with interesting content is good, finance but providing information that will make a difference is better! To ask the question of added value is to reread its contents and ask oneself: so, what? What does the Internet user learn on my site that he will not find with my competitors? The personality that emerges from the Wikipedia page creation agency, the tone used, the angle chosen to treat the subject or the reliability of your sources can make the difference. Have confidence in the value of your ideas, while ensuring their relevance and interest to the reader.

3. Respect the basics of natural referencing to increase the quality of web content

And Google in all this? The good news is that the content that the user likes, Google likes too! Today, we can say that Google thinks almost like a human. But the search engine is no less demanding and the points below are essential to improve the content of its website.

Unique texts

Duplicate content, in other words, the fact of repeating word-for-word sentences or texts found on other sites, can make you lose visibility. So even if you read a beautifully formulated idea, find a way to express it differently. Each content, on each of your web pages, must be unique, so as not to take the risk of being poorly referenced. Online tools like Dupli checker make sure of this.

The number of words

Here again, you have to put yourself in the reader’s shoes to define a number of words adapted to his search intention and to the algorithms. Content that is too short runs the risk of not attracting Google’s attention. This one needs a certain number of words to evaluate the relevance of the text, and to position it on a request. Conversely, content that is too long can lose the user and cause them to leave the page prematurely. Content promoted by Google is usually between 1,800 and 2,000 words for blog posts. An optimized about page has a minimum of 800 words. As for the product sheets, they can range from a hundred words, or even less, to several hundred.

Semantic optimization

For content to attract the attention of Google, it must simply make known to it! This is the role of the key query and the placement of keywords in the body of the text. This step, which falls under the competence of the SEO web editor, is crucial because it determines whether or not content is highlighted by the search engine. It is preceded by an in-depth semantic study that combines personal reflection and the use of tools such as the Google Ads Keyword Planner. Google’s semantic requirements must be met without taking precedence over user experience. Here again, it must be kept in mind that the content is first thought out and written to please the Internet user.

Filling tags

If well-structured content facilitates the understanding and experience of the Internet user, this is not enough for Google. Indeed, the search engine needs HTML markup to identify the structure of a text and understand its main subject. The role of <hen> tags, for example, is to explain to the robot how content is laid out. They allow him to differentiate and prioritize titles and subtitles. Reading these <hen> also gives the algorithm the semantic information needed to place the text on the right keyword. Properly tagged text is crawled and indexed, unlike untagged content.

As you will have understood, improving the content of your website cannot be improvised, it is a work of a goldsmith. According to a recent English study, writing a quality and optimized blog article takes an average of 3 hours and 55 minutes. And you, how much time do you devote to writing each of your content? Have you ever wanted to delegate this task to an SEO web editor who would know how to make your texts, and therefore your site, more visible and attractive? You’ve come to the right place to start thinking about it!

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